Collecting plant specimens and having trouble identifying them? EcoLogic’s expert botanists can provide identification support services for vascular plants (specimens, photographs) and bryophytes (specimens) from northwestern North America. We can provide both an identification of the specimen or photograph, as well as post-identification processing of specimens (e.g., data submission, herbarium donation).
Provincial specimen collection guidelines are provided here: https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/pubs/docs/wp/wp18.pdf
Specimens or photographs submitted to EcoLogic for identification should be of sufficient quality to permit identification at the desired taxonomic level. Blurry photographs, incomplete specimens without critical parts, or poorly processed (e.g., moldy, shriveled) specimens may result in an uncertain identification.
Specimens should be submitted one-per-page/packet if possible – identifications will be charged on a per-specimen, rather than per-sheet/packet, basis.
Additional information associated with the identification (i.e., the critical features of the specimen) may be included with the identification if requested.
Data associated with species-at-risk specimens (e.g., location, date, population characteristics) will be provided to the provincial databases of the B.C. Conservation Data Centre (CDC) unless the data are identified as being proprietary.
Specimens may be requested to be returned at a small cost; if specimen return is not requested, select specimens may be submitted to a regional herbarium at no additional charge.
Quickly Obtain Verified Plant Identifications
Need a Longer Discussion?
Our Plant Identification Service is led by expert botanist Dr. Jamie Fenneman, Ph.D, R.P.Bio.
Please submit this form request with a brief description of your project. We will get back to you shortly.